Thursday, September 12, 2013

Win 8/1/IE 11 - Cross Browser Testing, Device Testing and more cool features

I am sure many of you would have discovered these if you have installed Win 8.1 but I wanted to quickly share with others the cool features that IE 11 brings out the box as part of developer toolbar. Highlighting few of them below:


1.      Cross Browser/Platform testing: This is cool to see how you site renders on different browser (not just limited to different versions of IE) and  OS’s as well as different resolutions. This will be quite handy for testers.





2.      UI Responsiveness: Looks pretty nice for performance benchmarking and quick assessment of performance.




3.      Network:



4.      Memory:



5.      Profiler




Test Effectiveness, Test Efficiency, Defect Removal Efficiency (DRE) - Jargons :)

I was talking to a colleague today around difference among these test metrics and I am sharing it with you all if it helps :)

Test Case Effectiveness = Total defects found by test cases / Total defects**

e.g. if 80 defects were found by test cases and 10 were through ad hoc testing and 10 were leaked to UAT / Prod then TC effectiveness is 80 %


** This includes all defects found post build  phase (after test cases are designed) so if buddy testing was done then sure it should be added to total defects as we will use our test cases to do buddy testing.  Total defects will also include the defects found in UAT and post production as they are leakages.


Test Efficiency = No. of valid defects  / Total Defects found by test team (including invalid defects)


e.g. if 90 defects out of 100 were accepted then Test efficiency is 90 %


This gives us the rework and wastage due to invalid bugs that we rejected


Defect Removal Efficiency (DRE)  = Total defect found before delivery (through review, inspection, testing etc) / Total defect during project lifetime


Here we are saying doesn’t matter if we found them by test case or reviews, if we found them before UAT then its good and the defects that are found in UAT and Prod will be added to denominator and will show our DRE.