Thursday, February 14, 2013

Coded UI Usability Automation using JavaScript

After downloading the extension, add the DLL to your references under your Coded UI Project. Please find below the sample documentation
#Coded UI Usability Automation using JavaScript

# Send your feedback to /

//This method retreives the properties of hyperlink with inner text "News" and "Hotmail"


        public void CodedUITestMethod1()


            BrowserWindow bw = BrowserWindow.Launch(new Uri(""));


            ListRepository> list = UsabilityAutomation.Usability.GetUsabilityProperties(bw, "a", "News,Hotmail");

            foreach (UsabilityAutomation.Repository prop in list)


                Assert.AreEqual(prop.font_family, "Arial,Sans-Serif");

                Assert.AreEqual(prop.text_decoration, "none");





        //This method retrieves the properties of div element whose id is "hp_container "


        public void CodedUITestMethod2()


            BrowserWindow bw = BrowserWindow.Launch(new Uri(""));


            ListRepository> list = UsabilityAutomation.Usability.GetUsabilityProperties(bw, "div","hp_container");

            foreach (UsabilityAutomation.Repository prop in list)


                Assert.AreEqual(prop.margin_left, "117px");

                Assert.AreEqual(prop.font_size, "13.33px");

                Assert.AreEqual(prop.width, "1366px");

                Assert.AreEqual(prop.color, "rgb(0, 0, 0)");




        //This method retrieves the properties of input element whose id is "sb_form_q"



        public void CodedUITestMethod3()


            BrowserWindow bw = BrowserWindow.Launch(new Uri(""));


            ListRepository> list = UsabilityAutomation.Usability.GetUsabilityProperties(bw, "input", "sb_form_q");

            foreach (UsabilityAutomation.Repository prop in list)


                Assert.AreEqual(prop.padding_left, "9px");

                Assert.AreEqual(prop.padding_right, "5px");






        //This method retrieves the properties of all input element present on the page



        public void CodedUITestMethod4()


            BrowserWindow bw = BrowserWindow.Launch(new Uri(""));


            ListRepository> list = UsabilityAutomation.Usability.GetUsabilityProperties(bw, "input");

            foreach (UsabilityAutomation.Repository prop in list)


                // your assert logic








xyz123 said...

Hello, i downloaded already your Extension to Visual Studio. I looked up your Video which you also posted, but you are choosing an template, when you open up a project. This template isnt more available to download. Where can i find it?

Very Great Idea!! I think this will get very succesful! Thank you for developing this...

Can i ask you some question or contact you please?

xyz123 said...

Oh no sorry, i already found the projekt template. Sorry for misunderstanding. Thank you for this gread extension...
Is there also any function to grab images from web Component?

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